The Winning Closet Edit Revealed.

As you may know, Dear Reader, every person who is on the Poplin Style Direction email list is entered into every drawing for Poplin prizes. That's right. Every time. So far, partners have given away a wide variety of items including handbags, children's clothing, and so much more. Naturally, I, too, joined the fun and offered up one complimentary Closet Edit

The winner was Ritee Sponsler. As a brand new mom of an exceptionally adorable little girl, Ritee opted to share her winnings with another friend, Kim Rooney. Kim is also a mom who was transitioning into a new position for a different company. Kim enthusiastically accepted and opted to upgrade to the Style Update Package. Lucky for us, Ritee offered to document the entire Closet Edit so that you, Dear Reader, would have a better picture of what a Closet Edit really means. 

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Going Back to Work Post-Baby? Here's What to Wear.

My last three clients are all mothers with kids under 3. In fact, I've spent a great deal of time with new moms discussing the transition from yoga pants and t-shirts to work appropriate clothes that function on less than 5 hours of sleep. After spending the afternoon helping a new mom edit her closet, it seems clear that other women in the same position can benefit from some tricks to get you through this unusual time. Dads- I'm all about equal opportunity. But, I think you are good on this one. 

Here are a few tips that helped me after the birth of my son along with others I've learned through my work as a personal stylist. 

What to Wear When You Return to Work After Having a Baby

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Seattle Sunday: James Bond or Brad Thompson?

One of my very favorite things is to stumble upon a well dressed man on the streets of Seattle. I like it even more if that man is rocking a well fitted suit. Thoughtful dressers make me happy and I think they bring a little something to every person they engage with. It's especially gratifying when they are able to balance class with an effortless style and a nonjudgmental approach to the world. 

Enter local acupuncturist and entrepreneur Brad Thompson.

At a recent show in Capitol Hill a guy in his mid 20's commented to him, "Man, you look like James Bond." Enough said.

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Pregnant and Beautiful. There's More to Your Style Than Target.

Pregnancy. Every woman who has ever been pregnant shares one common experience: the constant hunt for clothes. Personally, I LOVED being pregnant. I felt happy, relaxed and excited. In the early months, before I could tell anyone in the office that I was actually pregnant, I found myself struggling to find clothes to wear. A lover of dresses, I was relegated to one pair of pants that I found at Anthroplogie for $150. They were cute. They were stretchy. They were black. And, they were $150 for a pair of pants that I knew would only be useful for a few months. That's a true sign of desperation.

As I grew, I actually found it easier to find clothes than in the early months when you just feel bigger. And for women who struggle with morning sickness, bloating, weight gain and some of the other less stellar aspects of pregnancy, feeling awful about looking at your clothing is not the path to a happy 9 months. Now, as a personal stylist, I've found a number or fun options for pregnant clients. My goal is to offer some assistance to anyone in this situation. Yes, Dear Reader, I know you may not be pregnant. If not, please share with someone you love who will find this helpful. 

Retailers for the hip and pregnant.

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Seattle Sunday: Man, Your Kid is Cool. Thanks, Holt and Lulu

Let's start with some basic arithmetic:

Fashion forward kids' clothes + Functional and thoughtful design + Made in Seattle = Holt and Lulu

Dear Reader, I am THRILLED to finally be able to share Holt & Lulu with you. Owner Angie Anderson and I met a few years ago through mutual friends and I've been a fan of Angie and the brand ever since. The company makes high quality fashion-forward kids' clothes that you won't find anywhere else. She plays with gender roles, uses a variety of high quality fabrics ranging from faux leather to fleece, and as a parent herself, Angie understands what should be the ultimate goal of all children's fashion — for their clothes to be fashionable AND functional. 

Top 5 Reasons for You to be a Fan Too.

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Technology Meets Fashion: The Must Have App

I never thought I'd spend this much time taking my own photo. Truth be told, I never thought I'd spend any time doing it. But, duty calls and now it's all selfies all the time. And, I'm not alone. But, as close as we are, Dear Reader, we both know you are really here for the clothes. So, if you are just seeing selfies of my face, that isn't particularly helpful. Plus, as a personal stylist, I really enjoying seeing photos of your entire outfit, too! Enter, the must have app.

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Seattle Sunday: Some New Specs and Savings at Rivet & Sway

Happy Sunday, Dear Reader. The weather is incredible, so I hope you are enjoying a leisurely day out in the elements. You may have seen on Instagram that I've recently become an ambassador for Rivet & Sway, an online eyeglass company for women located in the heart of Pioneer Square. For those of you who have been reading the blog for a while, thank you, and you may have seen my November post highlighting the company. For those of you who are more recent readers, welcome and thank you! And, you might enjoy checking out the previous post as it includes very helpful tips for choosing the right frames. 

Now, to the nitty gritty. 

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Must Have: Pastels. Yes, YOU Can Rock Them, I Promise.

Regardless of age, income, personal style esthetic and lifestyle a pretty common phrase uttered by clients is, "I'm not really into pastels," Understood.

So what do you do when spring is on the way and pastels are, well, everywhere? Option 1: Don't rock this trend. That's easy and being true to your personal style is more important than jumping on the latest bandwagon. But, what if you actually WANT to try to wear pastels but are concerned that they are either not flattering with your skin tone or too juvenile? Well, I can help you out with that.

Here are a Few Tips To Make Pastels Work for YOU.

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$40 to Spend at Nordstrom & I Get to Give Back?

I love this day! A friend recently asked me if I'd heard about Nordstrom's new partnership with Fashion Project. I hadn't. She proceeded to fill me in and between the two of us there were several repetitions of "it's so awesome," to follow.

Only a few days later, Nordstrom shared it with employees and I received several emails spreading the news. It's SO good that you, Dear Reader, need to know all about it. They say when you give, you get. Well, in this case, what you get is a shiny new $40 gift card from Nordstrom. Here's how.

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Join me for an Exclusive Poplin Event at the Limited

Many years ago, I worked at the Limited. I didn't just work there. I spent my paycheck there and I was consistently the top salesperson in Washington state. It should have been obvious to me then that I'd end up as a personal stylist. But, of course, things that are obvious to others are not always so clear to us. 

Regardless, my love affair with the Limited continues and I've had great success with clients who need just the right mix of professional clothes with great fit that are easy to care for. Therefore, I'm THRILLED to announce that I'll be hosting my very first Poplin event at the Limited in Southcenter in mid April. (There are no Limited stores in Seattle, by the way.) 

It will be worth the short drive. Attendees will receive a complimentary gift from the Limited and an additional discount while shopping. Plus, I'll be there suggesting, commenting and helping the 20 guests who will be attending. One of them could be you!

Here's what you need to do to be in the running to be invited to the Poplin Limited VIP Event:

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Seattle Sunday: Coffee & Creativity at Drygoods Design

I love to sew. Am I good at it? Not so much. But, I love it. I love the prints on fabrics and the endless possibilities. A great fabric store is an incredibly inspirational place. 

For those of you who sew or just like to make things, there's a magical land in Ballard just for you, Drygoods Design. What if you don't sew, you don't make things and you just love clothes? Not to worry. This magical land will also bring you much joy. Let me explain.

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Do Me a Solid, Be Kind to Yourself.

Someone recently told me that Dr. Deepak Chopra once quoted a study that found that the average person thinks approximately 65,000 thoughts per day. And 95% of those thoughts are the same thoughts that person had the day prior. I have no idea how much of this is true, but it got me thinking about the way we talk to ourselves about our bodies and our sense of style. 

For whatever reason, things are especially busy right now. And, like most women I know, when things get hectic, our bodies change, our weight increases and we start to feel less than stellar about how we look each morning. Earlier this week, as I struggled to ensure that my ensemble wasn't showing off things I'd like to keep secret (hello extra 5 pounds!) my husband pulled me aside and told me that he didn't like hearing me criticize my body. Well, Dr. Chopra, if I'm repeating this sort of self criticism every day, I'm in trouble over the long haul.

Thankfully, I have an incredible husband, a closet full of options and the wisdom to know how to dress my best and be kind to myself. Sometimes, we just need a reminder from someone else. With that in mind, I'm your someone else. 

So, here are a few tips to feel beautiful, even when you really don't feel like getting out of bed (or out of your yoga pants.)

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I Can't Wear the New Crop Tops.... Or Can I?

Welcome, Dear Reader, to Spring 2014, home of abbreviated tops. You may be more familiar with the term, "crop tops". I recently met with a new client and they came up in conversation. A beautiful woman in her mid-30s with a great figure, she quickly dismissed those as tops she could no longer wear after having two babies. I disagreed. And a blog post was born.

Let me start by saying, a woman past a certain age really shouldn't be wearing especially short tops. But, that age is not 21, friends. And, wearing a short sweater or top doesn't necessarily mean you are putting a spotlight on your stomach. It's really all about the styling.

So, can I or can't I wear abbreviate tops after 30? Here's a helpful guide to help you figure it out.

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Seattle Sunday: Rachel Ermitano is a Stylish Local with Depth

Initially, my vision for Seattle Sundays was to draw attention to local brands, boutiques and people who make up Seattle's style. I'm especially enthusiastic about introducing you to one of my very favorite local style inspirations, Ms. Rachel Ermitano. Artist, businesswoman, musician, teacher, wedding planner, hula dancer, style enthusiast and all around inspiration, Rachel is on the verge of launching her very own clothing line while simultaneously planning her own wedding.

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Need a Free Pick Me Up?

Sometimes, we are fortunate enough to have some disposable cash to buy something pretty. This is especially gratifying when we've had a challenging day or are not loving our options when we get dressed each morning.

Unfortunately, extra cash is not always on hand. What to do? 

Here are a few tips for FREE solutions to style-related questions.

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Lessons from Canada: Fabulous Footwear That You Can Walk In

I recently spent a week in Victoria B.C. As you can imagine, it was incredible. Our room had a spectacular view and a jacuzzi on the the deck. Between these luxurious amenities and the on again off again rain, I'll admit it took me a couple of days to venture into the heart of the city.

On my first excursion away from pizza delivery and wrapping up the Good Wife on Netflix, I wore my Hunter rain boots. It was only a 15 minute walk to nearby restaurants and pubs over flat ground. Hours later I discovered how uncomfortable a shoe can be, even when it is flat. It was a nice excuse for an additional glass of wine before the walk back, but I became fixated on the perfect walking shoe for such an occasion.

After scanning the city for the elusive shoe store of dreams, I found it:

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Seattle Sunday: The Rookery Kids. Turns Out Kids Clothes Can be Hip & Affordable

Here's something awesome. I style kids

Wait. What?

Yes! I do this for parents who feel like they'd like to spend time with their kids after work and on the weekends instead of time shopping for them. Or, parents who would love their child to be as well dressed as they are without spending an unreasonable amount. I style those kids. I create an entire seasonal wardrobe that mixes and matches easily, is functional and indicative of your child's personal style. Then, I create outfits that can be accessed via your personal webpage so that mom, dad, the nanny or anyone else can see how to easily style an outfit. And it's fun!

The Rookery Kids

You can imagine how excited I was when I learned about The Rookery Kids.

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Announcing the Winner of the Foxglove Faux Fur Scarf. Go!

If you signed up for Poplin Style Direction emails, newsletters and event invitations YOU could be the winner of a faux fur infinity scarf handmade in Seattle by Foxglove Bridal. Not signed up yet? Do it now so you won't miss out on next month's drawing. This is also a nice opportunity to meet one of our cats, Colbert. 

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