Marimekko & Target?!

These are very happy times, Dear Reader. You likely know my complete adoration of all things Marimekko. For example, while standing outside the dressing room in the Marimekko outlet in Helsinki, Finland, I showed off my finds to my husband. He turned toward me and said, "I'm pretty sure the only reason we came to Finland was so you could come here."

Indeed. The purchase was on. 

You've likely seen me rocking Marimekko dresses, using the paper products and of don't get me started on the jewelry. Not sure? Whenever I'm wearing a crazy bold shapeless shift, it's likely I'm wearing Marimekko. So, when I heard the latest news from the Finnish brand, I had to share.

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Culottes in Cold Weather? Yes, Please.

One of my favorite things to do is look at the traffic on the Poplin site. I'm fortunate enough to see what content is the most popular and what isn't doing as well. This month, one post from last fall is off the charts and I can see why. It's cold. And culottes are awesome. So, if you missed it, take a look at my 7 tips for wearing culottes in cold weather. Enjoy! 

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Professional Organizer Andrea Shirey's 5 Tips To Control Your Closet

As a personal stylist for women in Seattle, you can imagine the amount of time I spend in various closets. I must admit, it's really inspiring. While I like to focus on the possibilities welling out of each thanks to the clothes inside, I recognize that a chaotic closet is no place to create extraordinary outfits. So, when I met Professional Organizer, Andrea Shirley, it was obvious that her tips and tricks for taking control of your closet would be helpful to all of us. After all, it's about time for a good spring clean.   


Professional Organizer Andrea Shirley's 

5 Tips to Control Your Closet

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Lessons From Trans Youth.

I'm very lucky to have the opportunity to hold monthly styling sessions for youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The Poplin styling sessions are limited to the youth in the Barista Training Program, who are in this eight week program to learn everything you need to know to be a Barista including customer service, job skills and life skills. You can learn more about the program here. 

Over the last few years, I've noticed the population changing. And, I'm doing my best to change with them. Last year we saw more young women who were pregnant. So, we offered assistance with clothes that are appropriate for job interviews but also practical as your body changes. This year, I've been really amazed at how the younger generation sees gender in such a fluid way. I've tweaked the sessions to included an opportunity for attendees to identify their pronouns (she/her, he/him or they/them). I've learned a lot. 

I've also had the extraordinary experience of repeatedly helping trans youth transitioning from male to female. This one has really had an impact on me. Nationally, LGBTQ youth are estimated to be about 40% of the homeless population. I'm especially proud of ISIS House, a transitional living house designed to meet the unique needs of LGBTQ youth and their straight allies. It's the only one in Washington state and one of the few programs like it in the nation. YouthCare never disappoints.

During these sessions, I'm struck by the lessons that trans youth have to teach the rest of us. So, as your very own personal stylist, I'm passing these learnings along. 


Valuable Reminders From Trans Youth.

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My Favorite Things Right Now

I could make these lists all day. The life of a personal stylist:) As we head into spring, here's a list of my favorite things right now. 

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The 3rd Annual Poplin Spring Forward Event at the Limited is Here!

Happy Friday, Dear Reader!

My grey suede lace up wedges and I were THRILLED when the rain cleared up today. Equally invigorating is the response from clients, friends and readers about this year's Spring Forward event at the Limited Southcenter. 

If you've been following Poplin for some time, thank you. I really appreciate it. You may already be well aware of the annual event at the Limited. If this is news to you, let me fill you in. 


Is the Poplin Spring Forward Event Right for You? 

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Styling Your New Wearable Accessory.

The winner of the Poplin Style Direction Funktional Wearables Giveaway will be announced on Sunday. That's right, friends. THIS Sunday. So, if you've already liked Poplin on Facebook, thank you. If you share a blog post (including this one) about the giveaway, you get ten, count them, ten entries! You could be walking away with a stylish accessory that secretly contains your fitbit or other fitness tracking device. Fit and stylish. I love it.

Let's say you've done all that. It's time to start thinking about which accessory to choose. Here are some suggestions. Final step, how exactly do you style one of these bad boys. As your very own personal stylist, that's what I'm here to hep you with. Off we go!


5 Ways to Style A Wearable Accessory

from Funktional Wearables

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Let's Talk About Your Bra

One of the easiest ways to look better is to find a better fitting bra. True story. Any woman who has had a baby or major weight loss/weight gain is especially aware of this fact.

I feel like many women have heard this before, but that doesn't necessarily drive us to run to the closest department store for a bra fitting. After all, we are adults, right? Well, I'm here to encourage you to do just that and have the chance to help women in Africa. That always feels good. 

First things first.

You might be wearing the wrong bra size if:

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When I Win my Wearable Accessory, Which One Will I Choose?

If you haven't already heard, Poplin Style Direction is giving away a free wearable accessory of your choice from Funktional Wearables. All you have to do is like Poplin on Facebook to be entered to win. So easy! (Share this giveaway and be entered 10 times!)

Now, the hard part. How does a girl choose the perfect wearable accessory? I'm rocking mine everyday and now considering getting a couple more because they are so hip. Who would ever know there's a fitbit hiding in there?! I digress. Let me show you a few of my favs. Have some of your own? Do tell.


My Favorite Wearables from Funktional Wearables

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Win a Wearable Accessory!

Yes! I had a fitbit just like everyone else. It was so addictive, so motivating, so obviously a fitbit. When I got paint on the black case, I was forced to switch to the green one. Sure, it was fun. But it was even more obviously a fitbit. Eventually, I just stopped wearing it altogether.

Well, lucky for all of us, times have changed. Now you can race toward your fitness goals without looking like you are rocking your gym gear. Even better? You can do this while looking great and if you are a Poplin fan on Facebook, potentially for free. 


Stay Fit Without Compromising Your Style

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From Sloppy to Sophisticated: How to Wear an Oversized Cardigan.

As a personal stylist, I often hear clients say, "you'd need to show me how to wear that." Well, today, my Dear Reader, I'm showing you how to wear an oversized cardigan. Here we go.


From Sloppy to Sophisticated:

How to Wear an Oversized Cardigan.

Oversized pieces have certainly made a comeback. Personally, I'm a fan. The trick is understanding how to rock that oversized item without looking like you just rolled out of bed. Yes, it can be done. 

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Super Cool Stuff by Super Cool People

My goodness, the world is filled with talented people doing incredible things! I feel like my Facebook feed is blowing up with stellar achievements by friends. As a personal stylist, recommendations are a big part of my job. And, right now, I have so many recommendations for you, Dear Reader, simply based on a handful of inspirational people around me. Whether you find better hair, films, music, jewelry or more, here's a handy list of what some people I love are doing right now that can benefit you. 


Super Cool Stuff by Super Cool People for

Super Cool People (that's you!) 

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23 Clothing Styles that Minimize Your Stomach.

As a personal stylist for women, I create strategies to help ensure that a woman's clothing communicates her personal style. But, as we all know, looking great is more than whether you prefer boho or tailored. It's about knowing what shows off your best features and how to minimize those aspects that don't bring you as much joy. Let's be clear, I'm not suggesting that you NEED to minimize your stomach. But, it is vital that you feel empowered each and every day as you check out your look in the mirror and head out the door.

If you are tugging at a waistband that cuts into your stomach creating a muffin top, your self talk quickly devolves into criticism about weight gain and the like. Instead, choose a piece that minimizes your stomach while still feeling comfortable. Then, you can focus on what really matters. 

23 Ways to Minimize Your Stomach

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My 10 Favorite Things Right Now

The holiday season is both inspiring and overwhelming. The time between Christmas and New Year's can be especially strange. After all, we have new pieces (thanks, friends and family!) and others to exchange or return. Visiting a retailer can feel a little lackluster as stores are jam packed with left overs. But, if you have gift cards burning holes in your pockets, here are a few suggestions that have totally consumed my mind as of late. Enjoy!


My 10 Favorite Things Right Now.

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Holiday Dress Up and Down - Plus Size Edition

Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. 


Hello Dear Readers,

As we are now in the full swing of December calendars filling up its that time when we start looking for party and holiday festivity wear. Instead of endless sequins, I want to offer both at-home down time and out and about styles in a high and low price point.

As follows are pieces that can take a myriad of events and non-events and make them easy and memorable.


Holiday Dress Up and Down- Plus Size Edition

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The Stylish Star Wars Fan.

I'm not sure about you, Dear Reader, but our world is totally consumed with Star Wars. After all, I have a son. In fact, we threw him a Padawan Park Crawl Birthday Party last fall. (It's like a pub crawl but with parks.) I think you get the idea.

With that in mind, it seems only right that I share with you some of my favorite Star Wars swag for the fan who wants to show support while maintaining her style. As a personal stylist, this conundrum comes up a lot. And, hey, if you run into this same prediciment around supporting your favorite sports team, you might find the blog post on that topic helpful. 

Back to the the force.....


Star Wars Gear for the Stylish Fan

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5 Ways to Wear a Ball Skirt. Yes! You Can.

The holiday party season is in full swing and I have exactly one thing on my mind: ball skirts. Believe it. My go-to for parties last year was a DVF jumpsuit. If you are just getting on that train, good for you. Stick with it. Jumpsuits show confidence without being over the top. 

If you, like me, are always searching for the next best thing, if you seek a new way to dress for a party that isn't the same outfit recycled, might I introduce you to the ball skirt? It may seem crazy, but trust me, this one piece can add magic and functionality to your social life. Think holiday parties, weddings, and for the very bold, an evening out. As your very own personal stylist for women in the Seattle area, I will prove to you, Dear Reader, it can be done. 

Let's begin with a definition of ball skirts. They are exactly what you think they are: a ball gown cut in half. My favorites include pockets. The most efficient way to find the right one for you is to hit the Nordstrom website or visit a store. I very rarely send folks to just one retailer, but I'm obsessed with this up and coming style and Nordstrom is really the place to find it locally. Here are a few of my favs. 

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My Favorite Raingear.

It's not easy to look stylish and stay dry. As a personal stylist for women in the Seattle area, I receive LOTS of questions about this one. So, I thought I'd share some of my very favorite weatherproof pieces right now. Enjoy!

1. For the Urban Fashionista.

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A Mix Up


Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. 

Hello dear reader,

We all know that there are those of us that fall within multiple loose framework of body shapes. Being conjunctions of inverted triangle and rectangle or a diamond that is also busty with broad shoulders. Like styles, none of us fit perfectly into a box or one category. I've garnered up a few tips and tricks for some mixed variety of shapes within the plus size realm, since not all of us lush ladies come with an hourglass shape. Below are a few lovely clothing choices and ideas on what else might work well for you. If you have a shape request, let us know in the comments below!

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