Winter Accessorizing

Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. 

Hello Dear Reader,

As the frigid weather approaches I have been asked about how to layer up and stay warm but still feel stylish and shapely. With a lot of winter wear being bulky it can be hard to feel sleek under so many layers. But with a bit of accessorizing know how, and warm layers underneath like a cashmere sweater and fleece lined leggings you will be all set to brazen the winter chills while still feeling fabulous.

Oversized Scarf

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Six Things I Learned from Styling Homeless Youth

We've just wrapped up two years of styling homeless youth who are in the Barista Training Program. Local nonprofits YouthCare and FareStart have partnered to run this program, giving youth aged 16-24 life skills, professional skills and additional support. I volunteer each month running styling workshops to teach youth what to wear for job interviews and at work, followed by a "shopping spree" in the YouthCare Basement Boutique. I am also fortunate enough to attend graduation ceremonies for each cohort weeks after their styling sessions.

In 2014 I wrote a post about what I've learned from styling homeless youth. As I reflect on the last two years of sessions, I'm struck by what I've learned from my clients, the youth, my support team at YouthCare and especially, my five year old son. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'd like to share some of these lessons with you, Dear Reader. 

What I've Learned From Styling Homeless Youth 2.0

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Pack These 3 Multi-taskers for Your Holiday Travel.

Let's face it, we're always trying to pack less. But, during the holiday season, that mission becomes even more critical. After all, the more room in your suitcase, the more of your holiday stash you can carry rather than ship. With that in mind, as a personal stylist for women in Seattle, here are my three essentials for holiday travel. Off we go!


3 Pieces That Will Save Room in Your Suitcase

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The Perfect Northwest Slipper.

As a personal stylist for women, I spend a great deal of time in other people's homes. I get to see each client's personal style expressed in her home decor. As I prepare for each visit, I also plan to take off my shoes as soon as I walk in the door. Sure, there are plenty of folks who allow shoes indoors. But, there are plenty who don't. Better to be safe than sorry.

Our simultaneous adoration for a shoeless house and the ability to walk outside effortlessly is in constant conflict. Want to run something to the trash? You need to go from slippers to shoes. No more! 

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10 Ways to Look Fashionable When You are Supporting the Seahawks

As a personal stylist for women, I spend a significant amount of time in women's closets. A woman's closet should feel like a boutique curated just for her. Every piece should make her feel like her authentic self. If it doesn't, it's out. Closet Edits are guided by each client's personal style and body type, with one exception: the sports jersey. The Seahawks/Sounders (and every so often, Mariners) section is the third rail of closet edits, never to be touched. However, it does spark lots of questions. "How do I look stylish at the games? What do I wear this with?" And so on. This has come up so frequently that a blog post is clearly in order. For all my clients and readers who support a team, any team, and want to do it looking your best, this one's for you. 


10 Ways to Look Fashionable as the 12th (Wo)man

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A Cut Above the Rest- Plus Size Edition

Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. 


Hello Dear Reader,

We are seeing a fantastic increase in amazing pieces being offered in an extended size range, especially after this latest fashion week. Instead of the usual day to day we are seeing some truly stunning pieces that are edgy, softer, ground breaking and just plain cool popping up around the internet. I've cultivated just a few that I have run across that I just had to share with you.




A Cut Above the Rest

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What Your Clothes are saying to YOU.

It's no secret that people make judgments about us based on what we are wearing and how we look. It's also no secret that nonverbal communication (aka body language) is one way that we send messages to those around us. Something that is often overlooked is what we are saying to OURSELVES through our body language and the way we adorn ourselves. 

An enthusiastic and thoughtful client of mine sent over this video of a TED Talk by Amy Cuddy. (You may or may not know that I am obsessed with TED Talks. I digress.) If you haven't seen it already, you certainly should. It's about how powerful we become when we use power poses — when our nonverbal language communicates that we are powerful. It got my client thinking about how this relates to what we wear and how we feel in those pieces. 

This is something I think about quite a bit. 


What Your Clothes are Saying to YOU and How That Affects Your Behavior.

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Lace It Up

Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. 


Hello Dear Reader,

Lately I have noticed a certain uptick in the amount of robin hood style English lacing. You know what I mean, that back and forth lacing on the wide neck shirts that men and women wore ala Kevin Costner Robin Hood. Well it is back big time on the heels of the 70's trend and can be seen on clothing, shoes and even bags. Recently I was asked by a co-worker how in the world to incorporate this 90's and 70's style throwback into a day to day routine.


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How do I Wear Culottes in Cold Weather?

As you may know, Dear Reader, I'm obsessed with culottes. Some clients are very enthusiastic about trying out the trend. Others, not so much. Like jumpsuits, culottes are a departure from the styles that have become second nature and it's natural to feel self conscious about rocking the look. As a personal stylist for women in Seattle, I'm discovering that taking them into colder weather is especially concerning for a number folks. With that in mind, here are a few tips and tricks for pulling off the culotte trend. 

7 Ways to Wear Culottes in Cold Weather

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What Can I Wear BESIDES a Cardigan?

I recently had a client tell me that she thinks I hate cardigans. On the contrary, I adore cardigans. Always have. Always will. The problem is that I've been adoring cardigans for going on 25 years now and let's face it, the thrill is gone. 

Here's the thing: when a woman puts together a stunning and thoughtful outfit that communicates her personal style, she is on the verge of achieving pure bliss. She feels confident. She get's more accomplished. She is more willing to take risks in other areas. She is strong. 

Then, she adds the final piece for, "warmth." Her tried and true cardigan. And much of what has just been achieved is lost. Often this cardigan stays at the office, draped over her chair for, dare I say it again, "warmth." As it turns out, it's a bit chilly here. So, inevitably, that (most likely black) cardigan is used on the daily. Elegance. Intention. It's all lost. 

But fear not, a cardigan does not always have this effect. So, if you are sure you are rocking your cardis and keeping things elevated, more power to you. (Successful options are likely hip length or longer and absent of pilling.) If you worry that you maybe possibly could-be someone who needs a little help finding cardigan alternatives, your very own personal stylist for women is stepping in. 


3 Alternatives to Cardigans.

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A Time of Change

Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. 

Hello Dear Reader,

Lately I have been in the mood for change, for re-inventing parts of my life and getting used to the new direction I am on. I am in a space where I am looking to find things that inspire me on a daily basis and keeping me looking forward. I've pulled together a few things that are making me smile, think and enjoy this transition a little more each day.


A Bit of Change

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Vain's Scott Tomlinson Offers Up 3 Things You Wish Someone Had Told You About Hair.

As a personal stylist for women in Seattle, I am regularly asked for recommendations for hair, skin, tailors. interior designers, you name it- someone has asked me about it. You know how I feel about clothes, Dear Reader. Recognizing your authentic personal style means that when you are rocking the pieces that you KNOW are just right for you and your body, you will be filled with confidence. Even better, you'll spend your time thinking about how you plan to change the world, rather than why your skirt keeps riding up.

Undoubtedly, your hair and your wardrobe are pieces of the same puzzle. With that in mind, I reached out to my our long time (as in he's spent years doing my hair as well as cutting my husband's) meticulous stylist, Scott Tomlinson at Vain Ballard. If you haven't already seen him in the window at Vain, you surely will now. Scott's attention to detail is unmatched and he's built a hefty following around the world with his expertise in short haircuts. Hairbrained reposted a photo of one of his cuts on Instagram as a favorite from the HBShoot Out. Translation: Hair professionals and hair junkies agree, he's got talent. Time for tips!


3 Things You Wish Someone Had Told You About Hair

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Please Tell Me You Have at Least One of These 3 Must Have Cold Weather Accessories

Sure, the weather changes daily. But there's no need to hold off on your cold weather accessory purchases until it's too late. This fall we're seeing three accessories that have been out of rotation for some time. What does that mean to you? It means you are going to need to start keeping your eyes open for these babies as they slowly hit retailers. Then, bam! You are officially a trend setter. 

And hey, if I haven't said it lately, just a quick note that I REALLY appreciate you reading the blog, the newsletter and just supporting Poplin in general. You are a nice person. Thank you. As your very own personal stylist for women, I thought it might be a nice reminder on this rainy day.


3 Essential Accessories for Cold Weather 

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Everling Jewelry is all about YOU, the Environment, and Transforming the way Fine Jewelry is Made

"Wow! That's gorgeous. Can I try it on?"

And that's how it all began. I recently spent an afternoon filled with information, insight, laughs and some breathtaking jewelry thanks to local jewelry designer, Adrienne Krieger, owner of Everling and life coach, Lena D. Meyer of Gratitude6. Adrienne generously hosted Lena and me for a tour of her studio and a discussion about her tireless work to change the way jewelry is made. Naturally, a couple of hours of this can fill more than one blog post. So, below you'll find the top 5 things you simply MUST know about Everling. Like Bluemercury CEO, Marla Malcolm Beck and Dermaspace Owner, Jody Leon, Adrienne's brain is filled with riveting information that I'm dying to share. So, expect to see more fun facts from Adrienne in future blog posts and newsletters.


5 Super Cool Things About Everling Jewelry

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Highest Form of Flattery

Editor's note: Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. 

Hello Dear Reader,

I recently moved to a new building in the heart of the shopping district in Downtown Seattle, and I have been hit with a wave of serious street style envy the last month or so. I am starting to see people wearing more transitional pieces and some of the layering is blowing my mind. It's been a real source of inspiration just looking around as I wait for the bus home. Since imitation is the highest form of flattery, I thought I would share some sketches of outfits I've been loving! And with a bit of research I have been able to pull together some like pieces so that you too can rock some of these great street styles! I love being inspired by the city and people around me!


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Must Have Now: Fall Trends

We don't need rain to tell us that it's time to start shopping for fall. As your very own personal stylist for women, it's time we start talking about fall trends. 


2015 Fall Trends You Can Wear.

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Seattle Sunday: J.Hilburn. Custom Menswear without Leaving your Home or Office.

Few things are as satisfying as feeling confident in what you are wearing. That moment when you look in the mirror and you know that you look exactly as you should. You look like YOU. As a personal stylist for women, I spend my time helping clients achieve that goal. Of course, men should also have that opportunity. And, when I come across something too good to pass up, I have to share.

Enter J.Hilburn, a men's bespoke clothing company that maximizes the fun and creativity of custom clothing, while minimizing the back-and-forth between the client and the clothier. We recently had a custom shirt made for my husband, and we were thrilled with the results.


How it works.

The process starts with a J. Hilburn representative coming to your fella's office and taking his measurements. The client then chooses fabric and details for his custom shirt. We worked with Ashley and I'd recommend her, for sure. Lucky for me, that also meant I got to help mastermind the shirt. After all of this is done (it takes less than an hour depending on how indecisive you are), she sends off the order. The shirt is made by hand to the client's specifications. Ashley also gave background on the factory, etc. so that we were assured of the working conditions of the tailors.

Then, you wait as in you sit and fantasize about the shirt (or pants, or blazer, or suit) of dreams that is about to come your way. It's not long, about 2-4 weeks, depending on your specifications. When Ashley returns (that's right, the stylist personally delivers the order) she's carrying the one shirt (or pants, or blazer or suit) to rule them all. (More on that later.) She meticulously checks the fit and if anything is slightly off, back to the tailors it goes. Then, ultimately, back to you. 


Why I'm Loving J.Hilburn

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