Introducing Very Well Designed Gear to Communicate the Resistance.

Local designer Lauren Wallace is a friend, an immensely talented individual and a force for good in this world. With all the upheaval as of late, Lauren decided to channel her art and make things to make the world better. 

If you've been struggling to style up your inner activist, worry no more. From totes to tees and everything in between, Lauren's looks are just for you. 

AND.... 100% of the profits go to organizations that protect the health, safety and security of women, the LGBT community, immigrants and the long term health of our planet. 

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10 New Places to Find Inclusive Sizing (10 and up)

Let me begin by saying, I know what you are thinking: size TEN and up?! Seriously?

Indeed. Inclusive sizing is a new trend and I must say, I'm a fan. Rather than hitting the tipping point at size 14 and labeling anything beyond that, "plus size," brands are starting at lower sizes and going well beyond the size 18 or 20 of years past. As a personal stylist, I often find my clients struggling when they go from a size 14 to a size 16. Why? Because the brands they love aren't transitioning with them. Suddenly, a woman is not only coping with changes in her body, she's also dealing with changes in her shopping habits and perhaps her personal style. 

If you follow Poplin on Instagram, you've likely seen posts about brands we love with inclusive sizing. There's much more available everyday. For now, here are some resources if you are looking for hip pieces in size ten and beyond. Prefer a more personal approach? Just reach out! I'm here to help. 

10 Resources for Ladies Rocking a

Size 10 and Beyond

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Support Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth Groups with Your Purchase of Great Style

Style goes well beyond the clothes you wear. As a personal stylist, my job is to help get inside each client's head and help her express herself through her apparel. As we know, that's only one way to amplify your voice. It's always a good time to support organizations and brands that are consistent with your values. 

Yesterday, I visited with local gem dealer, Monica Stephenson, founder of iDazzle. She uses gemstones to help her build community and support ethical sourcing. You'll see more on that in a future blog post. My discussion with her was just another reminder of the importance of standing together to support issues we care about. Each of us can make a difference.

A tribe of brands are supporting pro-women, pro-earth and pro-immigrant groups right now. When you make a purchase from any of the following brands between now and Monday, January 23rd, 2017, twenty percent of your purchase price will go to support the ACLUPlanned Parenthood, the Center for Reproductive Rights and Earth Justice. 

Because I believe strongly in the work these organizations are doing, especially at this pivotal time, Poplin will donate 20% of all proceeds from now through January 31st, 2017. #whyimarch #imarchfor #womentogether

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3 Reasons To Get Your Portrait Taken NOW

Hello Dear Reader! 

I'm a big fan of local photographer,  Amy Catherine.  She helps Seattle women look and feel beautiful. So, as we dive into the New Year, let's celebrate YOU. Below is a guest post from Amy as well as a super fabulous deal for Poplin readers. Enjoy! 


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Goodbye to the Limited.

If you have yet to hear, the Limited is gone. Well, the brick and mortar stores are gone. Right now, you can still score crazy deals online. It's unclear whether the brand is officially closing up shop or just going to online only. What is clear, is that we'll have one less place to go for affordable office basics. Alas. 

To pay homage to the Southcenter Store and the team that I adored, here are a few images from the past three years. Special thanks to all the clients who have been texting me about this. Have thoughts on the big news? That's what comment sections are for. 

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New Year's Resolution 2017: Celebrate the Body You Have by Knowing How to Dress Your Body Type

Happy New Year, Dear Reader! It's nice to be back with you again. As we head into the New Year, it's all about resolutions. Seeing so much messaging about self improvement can either be motivating or oppressive. Sometimes, it's a little bit of both....

Because of this, I am diving full force into the celebration phase of the season. Learning how to love the body you have and dress it accordingly is a powerful tool in this world and my hope is that this is just one of the tools in your arsenal to take over the world this year. 

As a personal stylist, I spend a great deal of my time having really intimate conversations with women about how they see themselves and how they think others see them. Not surprisingly, those two images aren't always aligned. After all, we are often our own worst critics. Lucky for me, I am an independent observer with the opportunity to release women from a sizable portion of this self defeating baggage. 

One of the big wins right now is the ever growing selection of apparel for women of all sizes. We're also finally seeing celebrities of various body types flaunting the bodies they have, rather than the bodies they want. Sure, there's still much further to go. But, for now, it's something to embrace. I'm also loving that more of my favorite brands and retailers are expanding their sizes. From Boden to the Limited and more, we're seeing pieces up to size 16 and 18, rather than the cap at 14 of years past. 

Beyond sizing, celebrating the body you have is really about dressing for your frame. Now seems like a great time for a refresher course on how to do that. Have more questions? That's what I'm here for!

How to Dress Your Body Type 

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Getting Organized in Style for the New Year.

I'm a freak for office supplies and as it turns out, I'm not alone. Beyond the graphic prints and sleek design, I look for tools that will actually help make my life easier. This time of year I get especially excited about all the opportunities for a fresh start. Here are a few of my favorite products to get you there. Have some of your own? Please share!


Organizing the Stylish Woman's Life for 2017

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Your Coat & You: Staying Warm Does Not Mean Sacrificing Style.

As a personal stylist for women, I talk a lot about your developing strategies to ensure you rock your authentic personal style everyday. Of course, most people love the sound of this. But, when life throws them a curveball, like late nights up with a child or an especially cold day, that style is thrown to the wind. 

I'm here to assure you, Dear Reader, you can look smashing and be comfortable. Shoes can be functional and hip. Dresses can be flattering and fitted. The mysteries of fashion are many and the goal on this blog is to decode them for you. 

As of late, the weather has been crazy cold. Perfect for kids, less perfect for those of us with an especially stylish (read: lightweight) coat collection. No need to revert to your down parka everyday (unless that's your style, of course). There's a solution. 

WANT: Warm, Stylish Coat that Isn't too Expensive.

Now, Please.

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Ask These Ladies What to Wear to the Holiday Party.

If anyone can answer the eternal question of what to wear to a holiday party, it's a Poplin client. After all, she can turn to her trusty password protected online personal profile for guidance. It lays out what pieces are flattering for her frame, and what aren't. It also includes a list of recommended retailers based on her personal style and budget. 

Plus, Poplin clients get new pieces either on a shopping trip together or via an Uber Wishlist. And, of course, a Poplin client can view outfits on her mobile phone to help her choose the perfect ensemble for the big night.

Sound appealing? Poplin Gift Certificates are available online and are just the perfect size for your stocking. Here are some lovely ladies to motivate you. And make sure to check out the recent blog post highlighting pieces that are just right for the holiday party but can actually be worn on the daily afterward. I'm obsessed with local maker Foxglove and owner Selena Kearney has taken the brand to an entirely new level. Enjoy!

P.S. You'll receive an additional hour of styling absolutely FREE with any package purchase before 12/24/16. 

Some of the Beautiful Ladies of Poplin.

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Pieces that Slay at the Holiday Party & the Day After & the Day After That....

Oh, it's happening! Seattle-ites finally have the opportunity to pull out all the stops. Well, sort of. As a personal stylist in Seattle, I am well aware of the struggle to look fab while not overdressing. I'd argue that being the best dressed person in a room is never a bad thing. Although, it's true. You want to be within the realm of the rest of the group. A formal at a football game is not ideal. 

So, with that, here are some options for holiday dressing that you can wear after the party's over. You, my Dear Reader, are going to kill it!

Own the Room in these Pieces at the Holiday Party and Everyday After

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Cocktail Dresses, Your Prom and How a Dress Can Change Your Life.

I would never allow someone to talk to me the way I talk to myself.

-Anonymous/ A large number of people on the planet


Feeling beautiful on the outside has an indisputable impact on the dialogue happening on the inside. 

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Stop. It's Shoulder Time.

Our shoulders are continuing to have a moment. If your body is triangle shaped, meaning your hips are noticeably larger than your shoulders, this is a dream. Really, the shoulder trend works for nearly every body type, you just make different choices to find what flatters. The most challenging situation is rocking bold shoulders when you already have broad shoulders. In this case, you'll need to REALLY bring the eye to your lower half, balancing out your shape. Try a super wide leg pant or culottes (tailored at the top, of course), or an a-line skirt made from stiff material. If the skirt or trousers is in an eye catching color, made from an attention getting texture like brocade or is a fun print, even better. 

Regardless of your body type, if you love the bold shoulder movement, here are some ideas to get you in the mood. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!

Shoulders, Oh My!

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Crazy Deals for Black Friday. Go!

Hello Dear Reader! 

If you are on the Poplin email list, you are receiving a Poplin on Point email every other Friday. That email is a cherry picked list of limited time only offers from my favorite retailers and brands. Today's email is jam packed with offers thanks to Black Friday! 

It's so good, I'm sharing with blog readers, too. If you like it, make sure to sign up for the Poplin newsletter so that you'll receive this type of info on the regular. Plus, this Monday we're announcing the winner of a FREE pair of shoes from the re-souL Collection! In order to enter, you must be a subscriber to the Poplin email list.

Three more things

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Your New Favorite Way to Take Action: The Friend Review

Every year, I write a Thanksgiving post. It tends to focus on my experience volunteering with homeless youth through our styling sessions at YouthCare. This year, I thought I'd mix things up a bit. This is a crazy time. There's this persistent feeling that we need to take action, now, always. Yes, this can (and should) be political action. But, action comes in many forms. So, today, I propose a little something special that will make you feel and remind the people in your life how much you appreciate them.  

Say, "Hello", to the Friend Review.

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Day 3: The re-souL Collection Giveaway.

Here we are on Day 3 already! If you are on the Poplin email list, you could be the lucky winner of a pair of shoes from the re-souL collection. Every pair is designed in Ballard and made in Italy with high quality materials. And, rest assured, they are crazy comfortable. Don't believe me? Swing by the shop on Ballard Ave. before dinner and check them out. So far, we've styled up the Tilda, the Willow and now we're on to the Andie.

What Will I Wear With My re-souL Andies When I WIN the Poplin re-souL Giveaway? 


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Day 2: The re-souL Collection Giveaway.

I want YOU to win as much as you want to! After all, how often does someone hand you a pair of high quality, stylish shoes made in Italy and designed in Ballard for FREE? That's right, Dear Reader. One lucky Poplin email subscriber will win a pair of shoes from the re-souL collection simply for being on the email list. Make sure you are signed up.

And if you are worried about ending up with a pair of shoes that aren't true to your authentic style, don't be. You can choose the pair that works best for you from the re-souL collection. Ned some ideas? We've got 4 days of styling. Welcome to Day 2: The Willow. 

What Will I Wear With My re-souL Willows When I WIN the Poplin re-souL Giveaway? 

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