Are You Missing Something?

Happy Thursday, Dear Reader!

I'm enthusiastically working on the upcoming Poplin Style Direction newsletter and something occurred to me: maybe you aren't going to see it.

Oh, Dear. How's that possible? It could be anything. Maybe you don't want emails cluttering up your inbox or you didn't realize there was a newsletter. Perhaps you thought you were on the list, but now that you think about it, you've never received anything. The options are seemingly endless. In the event that you need a little nudging, here are some reasons to get on board. Go!

5 Reasons to Receive Emails From Poplin

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Summer Workwear - Plus Size Edition

Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. Like what you read? Jordan's research on Sizeism was featured in an article in the Everett Herald? Check it out!  

Hello Dear Readers,

If you caught my last post I went over some styling tips for the warmer months since summer can be a rather challenging season to dress in. I touched on tricks to minimize or maximize parts of the body to make you as comfortable as possible. In summer there is an added challenge of dressing cooler but also appropriately for ones' workplace. Therefore, I've decided to offer summer styling ideas for various work places. Enjoy!


Your Summer Work Wardrobe

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There's More to me than my Face. How do I Take Care of the Rest of my Skin?

It feels like we are bombarded with information about skincare. Well, it feels that way to me, anyway. Thanks to the skincare team at Cake Skincare, I feel like the skin on my face has never looked better. (At 40, that's really saying something.) However, I struggle with the best course of action for the skin on the rest of my body. As a personal stylist for women and kids, ask me about clothes, and I'm all over it. Ask me about skincare, and I turn to Cake.

So, on a recent visit I asked Amber and Kelly, two Cake Skincare Experts, for some advice and realized this is gold for you, Dear Reader. Below you'll find a comprehensive list of what you must know now to take care of your skin. Can't wait for you to read! Happy Weekend!


Body Skincare 101 from the Experts at Cake Skincare

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Retailers for the Woman who is ready to Rock Menswear

My favorite thing about Facebook is discovering that two people you thought were unrelated are actually connected. Two friends from different circles, different cities, different generations. Last week, I was informed of one of those happy accidents. Thank you, Facebook.

As it turned out, two friends of mine from different worlds both mentioned me in a comment string for a mutual friend of theirs. She was looking for help for yet another friend finding menswear-inspired clothing for women. You know how much I LOVE helping people out with this sort of thing. So, as your very own personal stylist for women (and kids), it seems only right that I share this information with both friends, their friend, her friend and anyone else who might be struggling with this. Because everyone deserves the joy of expressing him/herself through fashion. Here we go!

Side note: Yes, I understand that menswear-inspired pieces, androgynous pieces, "butch" pieces, etc. are not all the same. Nor am I in any way grouping folks together. The goal here is to offer up some resources for shopping. I'll let you take it from here. 

Rocking the Menswear- Inspired Look? Here's Where to Shop.

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Seattle Sunday: Announcing the Winner of the Finerie CoLAB Mother's Day Giveaway

Happy Mother's Day, Dear Reader. As your own personal stylist, I'd like to start the day by thanking you for reading the blog and for entering (I sure hope you entered!) the Finerie CoLAB Mother's Day Giveaway. 

If you like Poplin Style Direction on Facebook, follow Poplin on Instagram, follow Poplin on Twitter or subscribe the Poplin newsletter, you were entered to win $100 gift certificate from the Finerie CoLAB for you and another one for your mom. That's $200 in total! That's right. If you do all of the above that's four entries. 

If you shared the giveaway on social media, you were entered 10 times for every share! Believe it. 

So, to celebrate Mother's Day, it's time to announce our winner. Here we go!

And the Winner of $200 to spend as you choose at the Finerie CoLAB is


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The Finerie CoLAB: Because you are THAT Cool.

I am obsessed with the Finerie CoLAB

There are two stores: The Finerie and The Finerie CoLAB.

The Finerie CoLAB is in a temporary location and will be moving from 2nd and Virginia to Western Avenue in the coming months. What does that mean to you, Dear Reader? It means get there now and then again after the move. From housewares to apparel, accessories to furniture and everything in between, this swanky spot is filled with unexpected items. 

Owner Tanya Friberg takes special care to curate a collection of unique items from local, national and international designers. You'll find well-known brands like Desigual. In fact, the Finerie and CoLAB are THE place for Desigual in the Northwest. But, you'll also find a plethora of labels that are most certainly new to you. I'm loving Bitte Kai Rand and de Rosairo right now. And, because of the constant change in inventory and the Finerie's commitment to keeping the shops as destinations, you won't find pieces online. 

Where you will find them is in my closet, for starters. 

5 Reasons to Visit the Finerie CoLAB Right Now.

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$100 for you and $100 for your mom. You're welcome.

Yesterday a client told me about her favorite Mother's Day card. It read,

"Thanks, mom. I turned out awesome."

I love it. And, if you are starting to fret about getting the perfect Mother's Day gift for your mama,  never fear. As your very own personal stylist, I have two suggestions for you.


Celebrate Mom with JUST the Right Thing

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How DO I Choose a Sunscreen?

The weather is crazy. Is it sunny? Is it rainy? Who knows?

What I do know, is that it is vital to protect your skin from sun damage. As a personal stylist, I spend my time making sure you know how to look and feel like your authentic self. A delightful byproduct of this work is the opportunity to mix and mingle with other experts focused on skincare and lashes in addition to boutique owners and the like. This culminates into lots of useful information for Poplin clients and for you, Dear Reader. So, as we head into a sunnier time, I asked some of my favorite people from Cake Skincare to share tips on choosing the best sun protection for your body. After all, there's more to you than your pretty face.

How Do I Choose the Ideal Sunscreen for my Body?

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My Favorite Things Right Now

Who knows why I own a gorgeous three piece suit? I don't. And, by three pieces I mean a skirt, trousers and jacket that all coordinate. After all, I'm a personal stylist. I don't have any conservative corporate events to attend. I'm not representing another entity. I'm representing myself. And, so began my extreme closet edit. That and a few more of my very favorite things right now. Off we go!


My Very Favorite Things Right Now

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Summertime Solutions

Three things: 1. Below you'll find another blog post from Poplin contributor and plus size fashion guru, Jordan Richardson. Like what you read? Jordan's research on Sizeism was recently featured in an article in the Everett Herald? Check it out!  3. She wrote this prior to this beautiful weather. Love her and you will, too.

Hello my dear readers,

As spring settles into full swing with its hectic weather patterns, I cannot help but cherish and look forward to those sunnier warmer days ahead. Though with the sun and heat comes a potential deluge of new styling challenges that can be difficult to traverse. A lot of us are uncomfortable with certain areas of our bodies, and with the warmer months approaching that usually means less layers and clothes, which can at times be uncomfortable. I am hoping to offer some solutions on minimizing the areas you're not as hot on, and maximizing the ones you adore, while remaining comfortably cool in these months to come.

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Do Hip Light Up Shoes for Kids Exist?

I often hear people discussing the highs and lows of parenting. One frequent topic is managing/ supporting/ understanding your child's style choices. Every parent has a different take on this topic and most have several anecdotes to support their point of view. 

As a stylist for kids and the parent of a child with a very strong sense of his style identity, I can relate. So, when my son recently asked me for light up shoes, my heart sank. After all, it's important that he can express himself through his clothes if he chooses to. After all, that's what his father and I do. But, those light up shoes are just, well, ugh.

Obviously, this was a personal challenge and I was ready for it. I went on a mission to find super cool light up shoes. And, my Dear Reader, I succeeded! As your very own personal stylist (for kids and women) I had to share. Enjoy!


Light Up Sneakers for Cool (toddler, little and big) Kids

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Seattle Sunday: Dermaspace — Because Sometimes Weird is Wonderful.

Happy Sunday, Dear Reader! If you follow Poplin on Instagram, you've likely seen photos documenting my visits to Dermaspace over the past couple of months. The experience has been unforgettable. Recently, I've become especially infatuated with the beauty rituals of previous generations and how they have resurfaced under new names. False eye lashes (hello Diana Ross, who incidentally also had falsies on the bottom), minimizing the number of times per week we wash our hair and let us not forget about blow outs. 

So, when I discovered that a natural skin treatment created in the thirties had become all the rage in LA and New York, I had to learn more. Lucky for us, downtown Seattle's Dermaspace is the only location offering this treatment north of San Francisco. I jumped into three treatments over two months to understand this sci-fi meets holistic approach to skincare. As your very own personal stylist, I also fearlessly documented the steps. Who puts a photo of herself in a helmet reminiscent of Hannibal Lecter on the internet? I do, Dear Reader. Just for you. Because we're cool like that. 

Dermaspace: Your Glamorous Grandmother Schools you on Skincare.

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Hey, What Ever Happened at that Poplin Event at The Limited?

What ever happened? Let me tell you!

All Poplin Style Direction clients and individuals on the Poplin email list were invited to the recent Spring Forward event at The Limited SouthCenter. It was glorious. 

Here's what they got:

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How Can I Get Beautiful Lashes?

Ah, Dear Reader, the burning question. Lashes are big, bold and beautiful right now. Long lashes are associated with youth (just take a look at a kid sometime). The longer they are, the more youthful you look. Although, of course, there's a limit. 

But, how is it happening? Is everyone wearing falsies? Are they extensions? Is it a treatment? The answers vary and as your very own personal stylist, my job is to give you the tools you need to find the route to your perfect lash. Off we go!

The Lashes of Your Youth Right Now.

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Do You See that Woman Changing the World? She's a Poplin Client!

What woman? Where? Where?

Well, I dare say they are everywhere.

As part of my commitment to the styling sessions at YouthCare, I quickly realized that we'd need to bring in an incredible amount of new and used clothing to adequately supply styling sessions for the Barista Training Program graduates. After all, it is vital that each grad (young men and women ages 12-24 who are homeless or formerly homeless) have the chance to choose from pieces that fit and reflect his or her personal style. 

The idea is to give them confidence at job interviews and at work. Few of us have a high level of confidence when we are sporting clothes we really don't like. I digress.

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My Five Favorite (Almost) Waterproof Shoes for Summer. Go!

It's a wonderful thing, living on the coast. Whether you are prone to wandering along the beach for some alone time, digging in the sand with the kids, or something in between, you must have functional shoes to supplement the experience. After all, celebrating the moment is really what it's all about, right? Fiddling with challenging shoes or choosing to stay on beach blanket to avoid walking is, in a word, unacceptable.

To many clients, this means a super functional hiking or walking shoe, fashion be damned. 

Naturally, as your very own personal stylist, I'd argue that you can still look incredible and live an active lifestyle. With that, I'm offering up my five favorite waterproof shoes for summer. You'll never think of rubber the same way again.


Affordable and Ideal in the Elements. Yes, please!

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Seattle Sunday: Combat Flip Flops, Bad for Running, Worse for Fighting

Something I love about being a personal stylist is the opportunity to learn from others. Every client is different. She has different preferences, different aspirations and always teaches me something new. Sure, my goal is to teach her how to ensure that her clothes project her authentic personal style. But, that's only the beginning. The process should be transformative, enlightening and above all, enjoyable. 

Something I especially love about being a personal stylist in Seattle is the commitment to community and giving back that I see again and again with each new client. Whether it is a preference to purchase clothing made in America, or with companies who take corporate social responsibility seriously, or quality over quantity, it's not uncommon for new clients to inform me that their clothes are much more than adornment. It is true. Our clothes have the power to communicate our values.

Which brings us to Combat Flip Flops

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Seattle Sunday: F-Factor Brings Fashion & Self Confidence to Foster Youth

I love Seattle Sundays. My initial idea was to focus a blog post on a different maker, boutique or fashionable person in Seattle every Sunday. It's been a wonderful opportunity for me to learn more about all the incredible people and places in Seattle. After more than a decade here, it turns out there is still much, much more to discover. 

At the moment, I'm finding that the sheer volume of awesomeness is just too great. I hate to keep all this information to myself as I wait for the next Sunday to share another find. So, you'll be seeing Seattle "Sundays" nearly every day for a few posts. I just can't wait. The stuff is THAT good.

Let us begin.


F-Factor: Changing Lives One Child at a Time.

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Your Bra Can Change a Life. Free the Girls!

I originally wrote this post over a year ago. During this week's Styling Session for homeless and formerly homeless youth at YouthCare, we had a wave of young women asking questions about bras. We measured a few of them, helped several find bras and discussed fit throughout the process. These are things your mom or another significant woman in your life usually helps you with. It was really an honor to have these young women feel open to having us help with such a sensitive topic. I wish I could show you, Dear Reader, the look on one of the women's faces when she realized that SHE would be leaving with three NEW bras. I liken it to Christmas morning.

Because of all of this, I'm opting to share this info again. After all, every woman deserves a bra that fits. And, if you have some lying around at home that are ready to be donated, you'll be glad to know where to send them. Enjoy!

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Plus Size Pulse: Retailer Update

Hello Dear Reader,


While looking back at some of my older posts and chatting with Mellicia, she and I realized that there has been a lot going on in the plus size design world in the past six months. While discussing some of the new plus size lines launching, I realized that the former list of plus size retailers I had pulled together for my first post with Poplin could use a bit of updating!

So I bring to you a selection of some of my ideal reiterations, as well as new openings and some of my favorite up and comers!




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