For Those About to Shop.

Happy Friday, Dear Reader. If the sunshine makes you want to get out and shop, this is your lucky day. As your very own personal stylist, I had to offer up a quick breakdown of some special shopping opportunities you won't want to miss. Enjoy!

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Seattle Sunday: Because of Chantelle Riley, my Hair Will NEVER be the Same.

Okay, okay. Seattle Sunday on a Tuesday? Well, this was a jam packed weekend volunteering with the F-Factor Fashion and Fitness workshop for foster girls at Ryther Child Center on Saturday. Then, one of my lovely clients co-hosted a Clothing Swap to benefit Youthcare on Sunday. Needless to say, Seattle Sunday was put on hold.

However, if I could shout Chantelle Riley's name from the rooftop every morning, I would. So, I couldn't bear to wait another week to tell you all about Chantelle and my hair. 

From Brittle to Beautiful:

Chantelle Changed my World (via my hair)

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Care to Join me for After Hours Shopping at the Limited?

Ah, Dear Reader, if this weather does anything, it's inspire us to shop for pieces for spring. And, lucky for you, I have the ideal outing in mind.


You, me & the Limited

Here's the deal, we have a special Poplin Style Direction event planned in the coming weeks. What's so special about it? Oh, I'm glad you asked.

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Must Know Now: Spring Trends that are Right for You Right Now.

While I am well aware that this uncharacteristically warm weather is not good for the world, it has been magical for the wardrobe. On my visit to the the Finerie Colab last week (I hope you've been- apparel including lots of local designers, housewares, design, oh my!), team member Jeannie said to me, "you look like the perfect balance of spring and winter."

Thank you very much, Jeannie.

Upon reflection, I realize that's not an easy tightrope to walk. As your very own personal stylist, I thought I'd share some of spring's trends with you, Dear Reader. And, of course, how to rock them right now. Enjoy!

Spring Fashion Trends You Can Wear Today.

Let's do this.

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Seattle Sunday: SCHAI Offers Up Art in the Form of Fashion

Have you ever been truly mesmerized by a piece of clothing?

I have. The feeling is well beyond my normal shopping euphoria. When I discover a piece like this, the quality of the fabric and the workmanship sucks me in. Now, imagine this feeling and add in innovative designs that are at the same time minimal and intricate. That is SCHAI

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The Patriotic Shopper (as in crazy deals for President's Day Weekend)

Oh my! There's nothing like a little retail therapy to make up for not having President's Day off. Wait? You have it off? Well, live the dream, sister. Whether or not you'll be clocking in on Monday, you can start shopping now with CRAZY discounts. 

If you'd be so kind, please remember to click through from the list below as Poplin may receive a commission on your order with absolutely no extra cost to you. Thanks very much for reading the blog and happy shopping!

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Breaking the Mold

Dear Reader,

I come to you with a game changing announcement, as well as a different kind of post from me. A few weeks ago Milk Model management announced their newest addition: Tess Holliday. This is exceptional news since Tess is the first size 22, five foot five model signed to any mainstream modeling agency...EVER!

Now, this is some seriously great news on several levels. First of all is that Tess, who started the #effyourbeautystandards campaign will get some further recognition on some of the great body positivity work she has been doing. Also with hopefully more modeling jobs coming her way this compelling, strong and beautiful woman will be able to carve even more paths to diversifying fashion media.

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Date Night for the Authentic You.

As a personal stylist, I identify each client's body type and help her learn how to dress to flatter her figure. Equally important, I ask her a zillion questions to get to know who she is and how she sees herself in the world. The apex of this process is the identification of style key words. I ask each client to identify key words that she'd like people to use to describe her personal style. Then, we use those words as filters when determining what works best in her closet. You can see examples of these three words on the client page

These next few weeks are all about romance. Whether or not you are planning an outing on February 14th, the holiday's existence has likely inspired you to up your game for a night out. With that in mind, you, dear Reader, inspired me. Below you'll find ten pieces I adore that convey specific key words. Perhaps integrating them into your current collection will help you find your personal style. Need a little more guidance? That's what I'm here for.

The Authentic You on Date Night

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The Dapper Man and Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is designed to take some time to enjoy the ones we love, or at least that's what they tell us. I like to think of it as a nice opportunity to put in a little extra effort to look and feel smashing and ensure that if there is a fella in your life, he has the opportunity, rather than the obligation, to do the same.

Sometimes, that can be effortless. Frequently, it is not. So, if you or the gentleman in your life is struggling with February 14th, let me offer some guidance. 

The Dapper Man and Valentine's Day: From the Perfect Gift to Creating the Ideal Look

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No Jersey? No Problem. The Stylish Woman on Game Day

Happy Super Bowl Sunday, Dear Reader. Whether you are a hard core fan or just excited to celebrate the day with friends, you are likely going to be seeing the Super Bowl in some way, shape or form today. If you've got a jersey, you'll certainly be rocking it. Try it with white skinnies or a navy striped maxi skirt as alternatives to a pair of jeans. 

If you don't have a jersey, don't worry. You likely have a collection of green and blue in your closet somewhere. Be bold. Now's the time! Mix and match prints (hello polka dots and stripes). Wear that crazy Seahawks green (after all it will be useful for Sounders season, too). Above all, feel good about your look and you will absolutely bring good luck to the team. 

Here's a small sample of a few of my favorite pieces right now to inspire you. And for the items in local brick and mortar stores, here's something to pick up before kick off.


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Seattle Sunday: Don't Call Me Ma'am Offers Beauty at Every Age

Happy Sunday, Dear Reader. If you've been missing these Seattle Sundays, let me know. In 2014, I had a goal of a Seattle Sunday post every week. For 2015, you'll be seeing a local brand, boutique or maker every other week. Of course, when I discover something glorious, you'll be seeing that immediately on Instagram. (In fact, for those of you who follow Poplin on Instagram, you likely saw photos from the Don't Call Me Ma'am launch party.) Enough chit chat, let's get to the Redmond based brand.


The skincare bar at the Don't Call Me Ma'am Launch Party. Also the only people in the place authorized to wear makeup. 

When a skincare line is bold enough to throw a, "Naked Party," you know you can trust their equally bold point of view: natural beauty at every age. Oh, yes. I said a naked party. What's that, you say?

Invite local fashionistas to journey to a launch party sans makeup. Believe it. A room (mostly) filled with women who followed the directive. Lucky for those of us who did, skincare professionals from the company were waiting to give us a sample of the brand spanking new skincare line. I met another guest who became my BFF for the evening and had the opportunity to interview one of the company founders. As your very own personal stylist, it's only right that I share all my learnings with you. Here we go!


Don't Call Me Ma'am: Because You Value Your Skin and Your Time.

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Winterizing Part 2: Chantelle Riley Saves Your Hair

You've heard from the Queen of Brows, now you get to hear from the Hair Queen, Chantelle Riley.

Who is this Chantelle Riley, you ask? She's been Katrina's hair stylist for years (good things come in twos) and I've quickly become a huge fan.

Oh, Dear Reader, you know I'm always looking out for you. And, the best way to illustrate Chantelle's infinite knowledge of haircare and her generous demeanor is to share a few of her tips. I've asked her to give us the 411 on how to care for your hair in the winter. With any luck we'll be hearing more tips and tricks from her throughout the year. 

Chantelle's Essentials for Winter Hair

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Azede Jean-Pierre's Clothes are Just as Beautiful as her Name.

It's Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. That means a whole lot of people get the day off. (Not everyone, I know.) Between that unbelievable Seahawks win yesterday and the opportunity to sleep in today, it's easy to forget why we have this holiday in the first place.

So, I thought I'd encourage you, Dear Reader, to think about Dr. King's legacy today. And why not do that through fashion? Without him, who knows if we'd have the opportunity to hear these voices? 

It's challenging to choose just one African American fashion designer to spotlight. But, not to worry, every February I offer up some others to commemorate Black History Month. 

Azede Jean-Pierre was born in Haiti and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. In the words of the good people of Not Just a Label, 

"The namesake label is in its third year and has been committed to celebrating the sensual femininity of its customer since the company’s inception. It is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of functionality and innovation through exploring technique and achieving balance in wearability and design."

In short, it is incredible. 

Enough talk. Here are some of my favorite pieces from the Fall 2014 and the Spring 2015 Collections. After all, we're still living in the Fall pieces, but there are few things as energizing as seeing Spring looks in the dead of winter. Enjoy and Happy MLK Day!


Azede Jean-Pierre: A Picture is Worth a 

Thousand Words

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Winterizing Part 1: First Up- Your Skin Courtesy of Katrina Rising

For those of you who read this blog with any regularity, thank you! And, you are likely familiar with my immense adoration for Cake Skincare Owner, Katrina Rising. Not only is she the brown queen (mine are more glorious everyday thanks to her magic), she's also a scientific genius when it comes to skincare. 

You may have also heard me go on and on about how difficult it is to get in to see Katrina. Not to worry, if you are on a wait list, I have some comfort for you. I've asked a few of my local favorite gurus to offer their best advice on taking care of yourself during the winter. While we know we need to amp things up, it's only a few dedicated souls who do. Over the next week, you'll hear from them as well as some tips from me on taking care of your clothes this time of year. 

Fortunately, we're kicking things off with Katrina's advice on keeping your skin beautiful. And, my skin is proof that she knows what she's talking about. Enjoy!


3 Winterizing Essentials Courtesy of Local Favorite Cake Skincare 

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My Favorite Things Right Now.


It's been too long. As you may have noticed, I took a bit of a break from the blog to focus on clients and family. But now I'm back full force. As it is Sunday, I'd normally kick things off with a Seattle Sunday post featuring a local brand, boutique or stylish person. However, I feel a bit of separation anxiety from you, Dear Reader, so instead I'm going to share all the things I've been obsessing over for the past few weeks.

Before I begin, let me say that I'm also in the throes of planning for the year. So, if you have a special love for a type of blog post (Seattle Sundayplus sizekids fashionmenswearstyle tipspick me ups, etc.) please feel free to reach out. I'd love to incorporate your feedback into my planning. With that, off we go!

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