Win a FREE Pair of Shoes from the re-souL Collection!

If you read this blog with any regularity, thank you. AND, you must know how much I adore Ballard's own re-souL. My first big post focusing on the brand went live in November, 2013. Wow. How time flies. Now, I'm a dedicated re-souL enthusiast. The extremely well made shoes are designed in Ballard and made with supple Italian leather. Plus, each pair is equal parts fashion and function with special care given to ensure every pair is crazy comfortable.

Since that initial post, I've been fortunate to become friends with the brains behind the brand (Legh and Maggie) and partner up with Maggie on the YouthCare Styling Sessions. In short, I couldn't be happier to introduce the shop and this crew to the world. If you are already a re-souL fan, you'll be especially excited about our giveaway

Here's how it works. Simply sign up for the Poplin newsletter to be entered. If you are already on the Poplin email list, yes, you are entered. But, wouldn't you like to increase your chances? Simply enter again and be given all sorts of options to increase your likelihood of winning. Tweet, share, post. Whatever you do. It will get you closer to a pair of shoes of YOUR CHOICE from the re-souL collection. 

The winner will be announced this Friday. So, don't delay. Enter now! Until then, how about some suggestions for styling these gorgeous shoes?! 

Off we go!

The Perfect Mule is a Part Timer

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My Favorite Websites for Retail Deals &/or Inspiration.

Shopping is fun. But, it's especially fun when you are able to find some stellar deals. If you haven't already subscribed to the Poplin email list, make sure you do! Every other Friday you'll receive a Poplin on Point email in your inbox jam packed with deals from my favorite brands and retailers. We subscribe to all those pesky retailer emails so that you don't have to. 

Otherwise, how about some new ideas for finding super deals online? As a personal stylist in Seattle, I'm always looking out for you, my Dear Reader. Here are a few of my favorites right now.

10 Websites to Offer You the Best Deals & Inspiration on Items that You Love

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3 Brands Reinventing the Way We Shop

Things are getting crazy in fashion land. Just when you think you know how to shop- in person or online- brands continue to innovate. That means lots of fun for me. Here are three fresh approaches to shopping that you just might love. 

Three Innovative Approaches to Shopping. Go!

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So What's the Deal with Amazon's Echo Look?

If you haven't already heard, Amazon just launched Echo Look. The goal is for Alexa to act as your fashion assistant. I've had all sorts of questions about the product and what it means both for Poplin and for clients. As a personal stylist in Seattle, the home of Amazon, it's clear I'll have an opinion. So  here it is.

First up, what is it exactly? Here's a video to explain. 

Echo Look and Current and Future Poplin Clients.

If Alexa is already a big part of your life, you may see the Echo Look as a natural fit. My goal is

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Best Gifts EVER.

I recently had a conversation with a client about gifting. She said, "I wish you did wishlists for gifts because I know you'd have great suggestions." That naturally led to a conversation about finding the perfect gift which leads me to this blog post. Yes! Of course I have ideas! And you, my Dear Reader, are about to hear/ read all about them. Off we go!

My Favorite Gifts for the People You Love.

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Everything You Need to Get You Into the Pool in the Perfect Swimwear for YOUR Body

I recently had some readers mention to me how much they love insight about finding the ideal swimwear. We started chatting and it occurred to me that I've written quite a bit on this topic over the years. As a resourceful personal stylist for women in Seattle, I decided to Google PoplinStyle and Bathing Suit. Remember- if you have questions, Poplin probably has answers. And three years in, there's a whole lot of content on the interweb. So, here are some tips I thought you'd enjoy. Feel free to Google PoplinStyle and any topic and let me know how it goes. If you still can't find what you need, please reach out. Perhaps a blog post is in order! 

Enjoy the sunshine!

4 Helpful Resources to Help You Find the Perfect Swimsuit

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Club Monaco is Moving & Marimekko is Closer Than You Think.

Two of my favorite brands are even easier to try on in person! 

First, Pacific Place is host to the only Club Monaco in Washington state. Looking for another? You'll need to go to San Francisco or Vancouver, B.C. The local is store is truly one of my very favorites to bring clients. The clothes are gorgeous, high quality, staples and the service is top of the line. The brand

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Look Your Best as You Pink Out for Planned Parenthood

Today's the day! Pink Out for Planned Parenthood. There are all sorts of ways to take action. As a personal stylist, my job is to ensure that you look great while supporting your favorite causes. So, here are a few of my favorite suggestions right now. 

Pink Out in Style

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Must Know Now: 15 Fashion Forward Shoe Brands You've Never Heard of.

Are they weird? Are they cool? Are they both? As a personal stylist I'm all about channeling inspiration into reality. It's common for my clients to ask for comfortable shoes that make a statement. Here's a list of 11 brands that are worth your time, and it's highly likely you haven't heard of most of them. Yes! They are unconventional. Yes! They are works of art. And yes, you can just choose to admire them from afar. But, if you are feeling bold and are interested in something unexpected and perhaps avant garde, this list is gold. Enjoy!


15 Shoe Brands for the Bold Fashionista

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Poplin at Large: Live Your Values Through Your Work

An unexpected byproduct of this work is discovering a sea of people doing extraordinary things out in the world. Every new client is an opportunity to meet someone who inspires me. It really makes stressful days become so much less stressful. Because of my work as a personal stylist for women, I'm fortunate to connect with all sorts of inspiring people beyond my client base and as often as I can, I like to share about these new relationships with you, Dear Reader.

Some time ago, I introduced you to

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Do I Need to Buy Something New to Work with Poplin?

I get this question a lot, so I thought I'd address it directly in the blog. After all, what better way to communicate with you, Dear Reader? Often times, when looking at our budgets, prospective clients may wonder how to cover the cost of services plus new clothes. "Should I wait until I have a sizable budget for clothing," one woman asked. 

Well, it all depends. Here's the breakdown. 

Planning Your Clothing Budget for

Working with Poplin

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7 Designer Collaborations You Won't Want to Miss.

Are you sensing a trend? Designers and celebrities have discovered that they can monetize their style by collaborating with brands. This development is especially fun for the rest of us as these bring fresh energy to existing brands. Collabs inspire us to try new labels, revisit some favorites or just put together our existing pieces in new ways. All hail the collab!

Here are a few of my favorites and of course, there are more coming everyday. Keep in mind, many of these are for a limited time as brands and collaborators expiriment. So, if you see something you like, don't wait. 


7 Designer Collabs to Check Out Now.

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How Do I Wear a Fanny Pack (aka Belt Bag)?

This whole 80's resurgence can be tough to swallow. If you remember Regan, you also remember fanny packs. And, more importantly, you remember your horrified expression viewing photos of fanny packs out in the world on tourists and the like. Fanny packs became decidedly uncool. 

As your very own personal stylist, I'm here to tell you when times change, when trends emerge and which of those trends YOU can rock with confidence. 

On that note, I'm here to reintroduce you to the fanny pack.


Fanny Packs 101: How and Why You Wear a Fanny Pack, also Known as a Belt Bag.

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Why African Gemstones Will Make You Look Beautiful Inside and Out.

How do you feel when you look at a gorgeous piece of fine jewelry? Beautiful, well-made pieces have the power to captivate and inspire. They also have the potential to make us feel guilty (thank you, Leonardo DiCaprio.)

As a personal stylist for women, it's vital that I respect every client's values. Responsible sourcing comes up often and when discussing fine jewelry and there's a sizable population that feels it's off limits because of the human cost involved.

However, since meeting Adrienne Krieger, owner of Everling Fine Jewelry, I've learned so much about where stones and metals come from. Since that initial meeting, I've been interested in ways that a woman can adorn herself while still being true to her values. Enter Monica Stephenson, gem dealer, owner of Anza Gems and the force behind idazzle

In my mind, I'm convinced that Monica's work will inspire young adult novels about a strong, smart Seattle-based gem dealer who heads to Africa to source gems. While that isn't actually in the works, sitting with Monica and hearing her tales about her work and how it relates to the rest of us is riveting. Who knew that gems could make the world a better place?


5 Reasons African Gemstones Sourced by Anza Gems Are Your Next Piece of Jewelry

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5 Comfy Trends that Could be Sloppy or Chic, Depending on Your Pairing.

It's true. Sometimes you just want to wear something soft and cozy. The danger is that once you know the bliss of old sweat pants, you'll have a hard time convincing yourself to change out of them to head to the market. Thanks to fashion trends, there's some great news for those of us who would like to be comfortable and still fashionable. 

5 Comfortable Trends that you can Elevate.

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This Guy.

Today is my husband's birthday. We've been celebrating for a week already. We affectionately refer to this as his birthday season. This is a very talented, thoughtful, innovative, hardworking and stylish man. To celebrate him, I thought I'd share some of his very favorite things with you, Dear Reader. Why? Well, because his picks are often solid recommendations for gifts for the ones you love. 


Things My Husband Loves That You Might Love Just as Much.

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Stop. It's Slipper Time.

If you read this blog with any regularity, you know how much I adore my rubber Birkenstocks as the ultimate, "house shoe." After all, in the Pacific Northwest, most people don't wear shoes indoors. But, because we have wood floors, going barefoot simply isn't an option for me. The Birks provide support and look adorable.

Well, times are changing, my friend. 

I have become completely enamored with CP Slippers. Let me tell you more.

Why I Heart CP Slippers.

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You, Your Personal Stylist & A Tailor Trained in Design.

As a personal stylist, I spend a great deal of time helping my clients strategize. The goal is for her to know why she's making each purchase and how each piece helps communicate her vision. If you've ever started at a dress in your closet that still has the tags on or looked at the shoe box in your closet with unworn shoes, you can relate to the need for strategy. If you don't use the clothes, the money is simply wasted. 

But, you don't always need to toss the item and start over. Many pieces can not only be salvaged, they can be celebrated. In fact, I've been thinking a lot about this lately as client after clients reaps the benefits of working with my tailor AND me as we bring new life to their existing wardrobes. 

5 Reasons YOU Need Time With Poplin andMy Tailor of Dreams

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How to Inject Your Personal Style into your Work Attire

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Ever since I saw this photo of Minnesota State Representative Ilhan Omar, it's been on my mind. It can be very difficult to communicate you personal style while wearing your work clothes. In my experience as a personal stylist for women, this is especially true for women in male dominated industries. Technology, government and executive level positions can be particularly challenging because a woman often wants to be taken seriously and may worry that being perceived as feminine or fashionable somehow takes away from the content of her message.

Because of this, I'm always on the lookout for high profile women that can serve as examples to other accomplished women, when it comes to finding strength and self expression in their personal styles.

In the category of fashionable women in government, Representative Ilhan Omar is at the top of my list. Here are a few lessons you can take from her when getting ready every morning. 


Lessons for Powerful, Fashionable Women from State Representative Ilhan Omar

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